1) fa' pochi chilometri di strada per raggiungerci
2) dopo aver mangiato e ben bevuto non rischia di perdere la patente e l'automobile: dorme in albergo
3) l'indomani con comodo si fa servire, riverire e coccolare con prima colazione servita fino a mezzogiorno
4) dopo "la grasse mattinée" si piazza davanti al grande camino del lounge con un buon libro
5) passa a pranzo alle 14,00 quando gli torna la fame
6) dopo pranzo torna al camino e si fa' una pluccatina sui poufs
7) quando si rianima sale alla Spa e si ritempra con sauna e idromassaggio con luce blu al buio fino a riaddormentarsi
9) in fine senza stress mangia due ravioli in brodo fatti in casa o le castagne al latte e rientra a casa senza code, ritemprato, pronto a cominciare una settimana di duro lavoro...
Portrait of these intelligent guests:
1) they donít have to go far to reach us
2) after having eaten and drunk well, they donít run the risk of losing their licence and car, because they sleep at the hotel
3) the day after, they are pampered and spoiled, with breakfast served up until midday
4) after ìla grasse mattinÈe,î they can enjoy a good book in front of the large open fire in the lounge
5) they can think about lunch at 2 p.m. when theyíre hungry again
6) after lunch they return to the fireside and a snooze in the comfy chairs
7) on waking, they can go up to the spa and take an invigorating sauna and whirlpool bath in blue light in the darkness, relaxing to the point of dropping off again
8) lastly, a relaxed repast of home-made ravioli in broth or chestnuts in milk, and then a relaxed trip home, with no traffic congestion. They feel restored in mind and body, ready to begin a week of hard work