Nel 1998 per la miglior cantina regionale
Nel 2010 per la miglior Sauna d'albergo fuori dalla Finlandia !
Io faccio una sauna al giorno...oh sono convinto che levi il medico di torno!
Ho cominciato a utilizzare la sauna con mio fratello quando si spaccò le due gambe, per la riabilitazione andavamo quasi tutti i giorni alla piscina di Verres dove c'è anche una piccola sauna. A ogni sessione mi caricavo il fratello in spalla e lo portavo a fare la doccia fredda. era una cosa trucidissima però abbiamo cominciato a prenderci gusto. Anni dopo poi quando abbiamo deciso di creare la zona wellness mi sono accanito a costruirne una vera, come quelle che si trovano in Finlandia. Ho passato dei mesi a cercare informazioni su internet ho frequentato dei forum e siti dove dei finlandesi davano indicazioni su come costruire la sauna ideale. Ho studiato i modi di utilizzo, la storia, la filosofia, l'anima della sauna: il Löyly, l'aria calda che ti inonda quando getti l'acqua sulle pietre!
Ora quando devo convincere qualche finlandese a venire in albergo gli parlo del Löyly della mia Sauna e da oggi gli potrò anche mostrare il diploma che mi hanno inviato gli ospiti finlandesi che l'hanno provata a inizio anno.
Grazie Sig.i Pakkila!
In 1996 we won the prize for the best breakfast in Italy.
In 1998, for the best regional wine-cellar.
In 2010, for the best hotel sauna outside Finland!
I take a sauna every dayÖ I am convinced that it keeps the doctor away!
I began using the sauna with my brother when he broke both legs. During his convalescence, we went to the pool at Verres, where there is also a small sauna, nearly every day. Each time I carried my brother on my shoulders, taking him to the cold shower. A violent shock after the heat of the sauna, but we began to appreciate it. Years later, when we started creating the wellness area, I really wanted to build a real sauna, like those in Finland. I spent months searching for information on the Internet, enrolling on forums and websites on which the Finns themselves provided advice on how to build the perfect sauna. I studied the ways in which it is used, its history, the underlying lifestyle approach, and the heart of the sauna, the Lˆyly, the warm air that cascades onto you when you throw water onto the stones!
Now when I have to persuade Finns to come to my hotel, I talk about the Lˆyly in my sauna, and from today I will also be able to show them the certificate that some other Finnish guests sent me after having tried the sauna in early January.
Thank you to Messrs. Pakkila!
In 1996 we won the prize for the best breakfast in Italy.
In 1998, for the best regional wine-cellar.
In 2010, for the best hotel sauna outside Finland!
I take a sauna every day… I am convinced that it keeps the doctor away!
I began using the sauna with my brother when he broke both legs. During his convalescence, we went to the pool at Verres, where there is also a small sauna, nearly every day. Each time I carried my brother on my shoulders, taking him to the cold shower. A violent shock after the heat of the sauna, but we began to appreciate it. Years later, when we started creating the wellness area, I really wanted to build a real sauna, like those in Finland. I spent months searching for information on the Internet, enrolling on forums and websites on which the Finns themselves provided advice on how to build the perfect sauna. I studied the ways in which it is used, its history, the underlying lifestyle approach, and the heart of the sauna, the Löyly, the warm air that cascades onto you when you throw water onto the stones!
Now when I have to persuade Finns to come to my hotel, I talk about the Löyly in my sauna, and from today I will also be able to show them the certificate that some other Finnish guests sent me after having tried the sauna in early January.
Thank you to Messrs. Pakkila!

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