Paolo Zanetti - Torino FC - e Lorenzo Bich Granata.
a Les neiges d'antan sono tutti accolti a cuore aperto...
firmato un gobbo...
Paolo Zanetti, player for Torino FC, and Lorenzo Bich, supporter of said club. Everyone is welcome at Les neiges d’antan, whatever team they support… and this comment was written by a “gobbo”, in other words a Juventus fan! (“Gobbo”, hump, is a nickname for Juventus players and fans, deriving from the fact that the very first jerseys worn by the Juventus team were ordered from the UK, the same production as for Newcastle United – black and white stripes – with traditionally British measurements and high collars that, on pitch, gave the players a sort of hump on their backs).
firmato un gobbo...
Paolo Zanetti, player for Torino FC, and Lorenzo Bich, supporter of said club. Everyone is welcome at Les neiges d’antan, whatever team they support… and this comment was written by a “gobbo”, in other words a Juventus fan! (“Gobbo”, hump, is a nickname for Juventus players and fans, deriving from the fact that the very first jerseys worn by the Juventus team were ordered from the UK, the same production as for Newcastle United – black and white stripes – with traditionally British measurements and high collars that, on pitch, gave the players a sort of hump on their backs).